Open Source

Open Source

On Github, we take part in project development by making Pull Requests. Contribute to the documentation of open-source Laravel and Tailwind CSS packages that are already available. On Github, you can submit bug reports, feature requests, and other changes. By adding your own improvements, you can enhance current code. To teach others how to use and contribute to open-source software, write tutorials and blog pieces. Join discussion groups or mailing lists for Laravel and Tailwind CSS, and assist other programmers by providing advice and sharing your expertise. Follow or get in touch with the open-source package maintainers, and give them comments on their work. Fix bugs, rework code, add new features, write tests, and add other types of code contributions to open-source projects. Make open-source packages available to support ongoing open-source projects.

Benefits of Open-source Contributions

Contributing to open-source projects can help Infynno Solutions in a variety of ways, including reputation building, access to new technology, and cost savings.
Improving software quality through community contributions.
Collaboration and networking opportunities with world class developers.
Attracting top talent to-words the Infynno.
Access to cutting-edge technology and get highly skilled.
Enhanced reputation, automate the business and cost savings.

How We Do

We are always in action to give back to the community and do as many open-source contributions as various ways. Here are a few ways that Infynno Solutions is contributing to open-source.
Conducting Laravel Meetups
Every month, our Laravel team actively participates in city-level Laravel Meetups. Our CEO is a Laravel community volunteer who organized 35+ meetups prior to the first Laracon India 2023. He was also an active volunteer for Laracon India 2023.
Building Tailwind CSS Blocks
Creating beautiful UI elements with Tailwind CSS and providing a repository for developers to copy ready-made Tailwind blocks for their ReactJs / VueJs websites.
Contribute to existing projects & technical support
We are putting our skills to use by providing code, bug reports, documentation, and other materials to open-source projects. Contributing to open-source projects that already exist is always a blessing.